100% Money Back Guarantee

We want you to feel completely comfortable and satisfied with your Mantra Matcha experience, which is why we offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee! Here’s the scoop:

  • This guarantee is just for our new friends trying Mantra Matcha for the first time.

  • If you receive a refund under this guarantee, we won’t be able to accept future orders from you. (We’ll take it as a break-up.)

  • After 30 days, the guarantee no longer applies.

  • Please return all products, including any matcha accessories (frother, spoon, tumbler, and whisk), in mint condition.

  • If your order includes more than one product, only one can be opened for the refund to be eligible. Opening more than one pouch of matcha will disqualify you from the guarantee.

Try Mantra Matcha Today!